Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Sophie is my heart. She is the crack up of my life and a gift to me. She is a delight every day and I am lucky to be able to squeeze her little body on a daily basis. She turned 4 this June and it happened too fast. She says she just doesn't know how to stop growing so I guess it will have to continue. There are many times that I just wish I could freeze her and keep her just this way. Alas, she grows into a distinguished little girl more and more every day.
This post is mostly for me to record some of the fun things she is doing at this point in her life and share them with you.

Sophie would like more than anything to be a mermaid. I have caught her saying a prayer to Heavenly Father, asking that he please make her a mermaid and her family so that we can stay together and live in the water but her dad will have to be a merman instead of a mermaid. She told me that she has asked Jesus too but that he just hasn't changed her yet. It is very hard to explain to a 4 year old that she isn't going to be turned into a mermaid because Heavenly Father wants her to be a Sophie. I think she is still holding out hope.

She has also invented something called a "ghost hug." This is where you hug yourself but you are sending it to someone you love like blowing them a kiss. She will blow me a kiss and then squeeze herself and say ghost hug! I am not sure where the name came from but I love it.

Sophie made up a club and came up with rules for her club. You have to wear a dress with high heels and make up. Those are the only rules. The club's activities consist of dancing around in these outfits and posing. It is a lot of fun and I am proud to say I am a member. It won't be long before mom's aren't invited anymore. Hopefully not anytime soon.

She is obsessed with jumping out at us and screaming "Boo!" This is usually followed by her laughing and saying, "Got ya!" It can be pretty funny most of the time but sometimes she is really sneaky and it really scares the crap out of me and Elleigh. Now anyone who knows me well will know that being startled is not one of my favorite activities. Elleigh is like me in this way. Matt doesn't startle easily. I remember a time a few years ago when my sister Carly scared me so bad I ended up in fetal position crying. Yeah I should probably be on pills. It's pretty funny now.

This little girl LOVES baths. She would spend hours in there if I let her. She loves to take toys in there and sing and "swim." If you want a giggle you can listen to her outside the door. She musn't know you are listening or she stops. You will usually here the most beautiful version of the Little Mermaid song ever sung. The voices she gives to her toys is also quite entertaining.

Sophie would change outfits 15 times a day if I let her. She comes up with the most interesting combinations but the best part is the way she presents herself after. You have to close your eyes and then she will reveal her latest creation. Then she will prance in front of you with the most dainty hands you've ever seen. This girl already knows how to strut and strike a pose. It's all too beautiful.

Sophie is not afraid to give kisses to her family. Much to the chagrin of her older sister who is not as fond of kissing and so of course this means that she tries even harder. Very rarely does she pass by you without a kiss and huggy (as she calls it). Matt made up the rule that every time she comes and asks him for anything, the payment is a kiss and hug. I hope she never changes this.

I love you my little princess angel. Your dad and I would be lost without you.


Carly Johnston said...

Ohhhhh Sophies! I miss the little munchkin. I hope we were as creative as her and E. I remember scaring you! What a wuss you are!

Chels Grubbs said...

hahahaha shriek (sp) for shrek!!! I still laugh out loud every time I think about that!!! um and ps HOW FREAKING LONG IS HER HAIR?!?!? She is TOO big!!!! Tell her I sent her a ghost hug :)