Monday, March 2, 2009

A Walk To The Temple

We had the privilege of living right down the hill from the Mount Timpanogous Temple at my mom's house. We had a really nice sunny day in March that felt like a walking day. The girls and I decided to take Munkin (my mom's dog) out for a walk. We walked all around the Temple grounds and talked all about how mommy and daddy were married there and what it means for us as a family. We talked about how we are sealed together for eternity and that we can be together forever as a family. It was a really fun teaching moment for me and the girls. Their dad was still gone and had been since January and so I think it was meaningful for them. At the time, I took for granted that we could walk to a temple. We could drive to at least 6 within an hour. Now that I am hours away from a temple, I am even more grateful for them and for the temples that are being built every year so that more members of the church can have a temple close to them.

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