On Saturday we were able to attend the funeral of Jackson Rich who is my friends little boy that passed away this week. It was heartbreaking and wonderful at the same time. The spirit was overwhelming, the music beautiful and the talks inspirational. It was my priviledge to be there and share in that little boys life with his family. I can't imagine how hard the road is ahead for them but they will have at least one little angle cheering them on and holding them up when they need it. I pray that they will be given strength in the coming days and years.
That night we were feeling emotionally drained and were just staying home to enjoy our little family and each other when we got a phone call. Matt's mom called my phone because he had left his upstairs and hadn't heard it ringing. She asked if he was with me and I knew by her voice that things were not good. Now Matt's dad has frequented the hospital over the years for different heart problems, diabetes and more but I could tell that this time was different. She told him to get to the hospital as soon as he could but no more. He raced out the door and I just knew it was bad. I called my mom and started to get the girl's things together when Matt called me. He was really upset and said that his dad was gone. I couldn't believe it! I told him I would be right there while trying to control my emotions so that the girls would be ok. I don't think it has ever taken me so long to get to my mom's and then get to the hospital. When I got there, everyone was very upset. Apparently Matt's mom and dad had been at the District movie theater just off bangeter when he said he couldn't breathe very well. They stopped the movie and called an ambulance. By the time Matt's mom followed them and got into the hospital, he was talking pleasantly to the nurse and so she wasn't too alarmed. They had been through this many times before. Well soon after that he was being taken to a different room and they were hooking him up to a respirator and he passed away really suddenly. There was nothing to do. It was just quik and painless. The hard part was that no one was there with her. She didn't have time to call any of us nor did she think it was serious. He had a blood clot travel to his lungs and cause 10 times the pressure on his heart. He has survived 4 blood clots before but this one just took him. Luckily most of her children were able to get to the hospital quickly. It was just very shocking to all of us. He has had health problems but we never expected for him to go so fast. It is better than him suffering however. We are so thankful to the hospital staff at Jordan Valley Hospital and for all that they did for us. We were up until about 5am that night and have had a rough day again today trying to get through some of the business aspect of it all. It has brought us all together and I am grateful for that. I don't think that I have had a worse week in a long time....well at least since my grandpa and my dad passing. But this sweet little baby and then Matt's dad....I am drained. And yet I am so grateful too. I am so blessed and these things really remind you of what is important. I love my husband and his family so much and I am glad that we can all come together to celebrate their father's life. He was an amazing man and I know that he is in a much better place. The funeral is on Friday at 11am. I will post more when I have a bit more time.