Saturday, March 8, 2008

I've Been Tagged

10 YEARS AGO: I was getting my music degree and waiting for Matt to come home and not dating anyone else and being completely serious and not a crazy 19 year old. I was also in Romania with a performing group this month if we are being specific.

5 THINGS ON MY TO DO LIST: Laundry (the never ending chore, Kami I agree), figure out how to get more time with my family, also find more time to exercise. I need one more day in the week where no one can schedule me for anything. You think I could petition the prophet for another Saturday? He could talk to the big man and do something about that right? I also need to unpack more stuff in the house and read my scriptures more.

5 SNACKS I ENJOY: Kettle corn, mini eggs (right now), Dr. Pepper, carrots and ranch, and nuts.

3 Bad Habits: Wow! I have too many! I bite my nails and not just normal but really really bad. They look like I have a disease. Gross! Dr. Pepper. I am trying to slow down with that one. Chocolate. I am not sure that this one can be helped.

5 PLACES I'VE LIVED: American Fork, Utah. Lehi, Utah. Pleasant Grove, Utah. Saratoga Springs, Utah. Lehi, Utah again. Some of these places have repeated themselves a lot lately. Long story.

WHAT I WOULD DO IF I SUDDENLY BECAME A BILLIONAIRE: Pay my tithing first of all (thanks Kami). Pay off everything like house and cars but then I would have to buy new cars because mine is so awesome! Although I am grateful for it! Then I would buy my husband a motorcycle and his own plane and all the flight hours he wanted so that he could realize his dream. Then I would make sure my kids were taken care of for life and anyone else in my family who needs it. Then I would open a performing arts school that offered all of the things I loved and I would charge very little, if anything, and give out a lot of scholarships to kids who couldn't normally afford lessons.

5 JOBS I'VE HAD: Wendy's for a year (yes everyone have their laugh), The Juice Press (like Zuka juice or Jamba) Then I have taught dance and singing lessons for 11 years now. Applebee's, The Buckle, Dance Academy, Clayton Productions, Musical Arts teacher at Whittier Elementary in Downtown Salt Lake and music teacher at Westfield Elementary in Alpine. Prosper in Draper and then in Provo (currently). And recently I am teaching private voice lessons, group voice lessons and toddler dance classes at Center Stage in Orem!

5 THINGS YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT ME: Hmmm....I am a pretty open book so I am not sure what people wouldn't know. I like alone time more and more the older I get. It doesn't come very often but I do love the peace I get from it and then I feel like coming back to the madness and I am rejuvenated.
I secretly want to play the bongo drums. Not the little ones either but big ones in a sexy red dress (don't ask).
I find true happiness in singing (bet you guys didn't know that one). It makes me feel like I am alive and like their is a lot of beauty in the world.
I don't like cheese. Some times I can tolerate it on certain things but mostly I can do without. I am not talking about good quality cheese but mostly orange American cheese that people seem to love so much....cheddar you can go far far away!
If I could have my way we would move to a small small town somewhere, probably in Wyoming and live on a ranch with horses and dogs and lives miles from everything and enjoy the quiet. Then we could just use Matt's plane to get back to civilization when we felt like it because the only was we could move there anyway is if we were billionaires and could afford the land!!

Now I tag...Chelsea Grubbs, Sarah Smylie, Carlie, Shantiell Mendenhall, Danielle Hayles and Jenni Royster!


Kami said...

Yeah!!! You did it! I love your answers. I did not know that you don't like cheese! Interesting! Love the part about the bongo drum! Small town in Wyoming, huh? Well, if my husband has any say that is where we will end up as well (just some random little town in the middle of nowhere with no one else around). Not me...I can't breathe if I am not surrouned by people and shopping malls!

Trent and Carlie & Co. said...

Thanks!! ;) I didn't know about the cheese thing either! I'm sure I have served you cheese!! We're with you on living in Wyoming. We'll both teach & Aunt Mary can make us breakfast on the weekends!! :) You guys can still come down & live on the farm with us! You'll have to at least come visit. Baby cows are being born like crazy right now! The girls would love to bottle feed a calf!

maren out my laundry said...

I can just see ya brittany in that sassy red dress. you go girl! hehehe
I love readin these things, always learn something I never knew!

Sarie said...

I loved reading this!

Trent and Carlie & Co. said...

Thanks Britt!! ;) We totally should get together. We'd love to go back to our weekly Office party. We have to do 30 rock too! We love Kenneth!! That first Friday in April should work for us. We have a ton to talk about. About the school comment all I can say is Whoo Hooo!! I'll tell ya all about it! I'm curious where you heard it from?? :)